
Didn’t I say I was going to run out of time? It was as though the universe was trying to tell me something, but here I was, thinking I had weeks up my sleeve, to relax in my roundness as much as I could and watch endless hours of guilt-free day time TV (because not so secretly, I actually love Dr Phil) before a little person came into my life.

Well, needless to say, the relaxation didn’t happen, nor did Dr Phil. On 9 October at 3:12pm AEST, a little man decided that cramped quarters were no longer his style and pushed his way into the world, a full three weeks early.

Say hi to baby Samuel.

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It’s kind of hard to believe that for a while there, I went off matcha. I remember I’d just bought a box of matcha, adzuki and mochi ice cream and was so excited to get into them and then WHAM. Puke city. It feels like a lifetime ago that I was retching at my favourite things, that brushing my teeth made me sick, that (on a positive note) walking was something that I could just do.

And then time flew, as it so often does.

And then it ran out, as it also often does.

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