Ages and ages and ages (read: 6 weeks) ago, one of my best friends in this glorious world, Loreen, turned the ripe young age of 30. She was off on the Inca trail on this momentus day, proving her youth by trekking this hideously high altituded (oh yes, that is now a word) pathway sans any assistance from walking tools or her husband or most impressively, make-up. I know.

Since we weren’t able to properly celebrate Loreen’s birthday with her on the actual day, we kinda sorta tried to bend the time and space continuum and time warped back to the 1920’s to celebrate in style, albeit six weeks late.

Yes, I’m also confused.

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It happened again. This time last year, I remember waking up, frothing at the mouth excited like someone was giving me a puppy wrapped in a ticket to Vegas on Christmas morning. But it wasn’t Christmas and there was no puppy. A ticket to Vegas did come eventually, but that’s not the story. The story goes that this time last year, I was so eager to get to Taste of London that I made Panu run to the event.

For realz.

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** note: Eastside Inn is now closed.

I bought these new tights from M&S the other day. The fact that they were 100 denier and reversible (in purple and black, no less) sent me spiralling out of excitement control. Disproportionately so, but sometimes, you just gotta take what you can get.

So here I was, excited to wear these tights for the first time. They were comfortable and all, and totally groovy in their reversible-ness, allowing me to traipsed around town like hah, you don’t know my secret, you don’t know that the insides of my tights are purple! Purple! Do ya hear me? Purple!

… Does anyone actually care?

Probably not, but stay with me, I will get to the Eastside Inn part of the story.

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chicken, mushroom & leek pie, and ugg boots!

I’m gonna come clean up front and admit that this is a completely blagged post. Blagged items, if you don’t know, are things that we bloggers are sent from PR folk to eat and cook and test, and provide our supposedly much sought after opinion. My opinion in particular has the influence of a peanut, so I don’t know why they send me stuff, but hey, this week I got ugg boots (!!!) so I am not complaining.

In light of the fact that dusting off my old ugg boots indicate the onset of winter, new ugg boots indicate that it’s winter now! NOW! Wear them NOW! and like seriously, the power of the mind, I have convinced myself (and everyone else) it’s winter. So much so that Abel & Cole also think it’s winter, and have sent me a delicious chicken, mushroom and leek pie to warm my little belly.

Hi. My name is catty and I’m a blagger.

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