fudge cocoa brownies

So. I have this amazing brownie recipe. It’s been tried and tested literally dozens of times and makes the moistest, fudgiest brownies, and every single person I’ve made it for has raved about it. The recipe uses good quality dark chocolate (Lindt or Green & Black, at a minimum) and I’ve always believed that the beautiful chocolate is what made it so deliciously rich.

And then the other day, my friend tells me that she’s made a super rich, super fudgey brownie using just cocoa powder? Say what??

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easy three ingredient cookies

With Sam at school five days a week, I now get some quality alone time with Sofi on Fridays, a treat we haven’t had since I was on maternity leave with her. Back then, I spent my Sofi days pretending that I was a first time mum, albeit one who knew what to expect from motherhood, who didn’t stress over routines and nap times, didn’t Dr Google the faintest of any-kind-of imaginary symptom, and basically loved motherhood. We went for walks and went shopping, had long lunches, met friends and had coffee, because having a newborn is easy guys what are you talking about??

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Giant xmas cookies

Note: if you’re here just for the recipe, scroll down to the very end, I won’t be offended, I promise. This post is pretty much going to have nothing to do with Christmas or cookies, and definitely nothing to do with Christmas cookies. I’m just going to talk about myself for many many paragraphs, mainly because well, this is my blog, right? So I don’t really need a reason. 

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I was bitten by the baking bug over the weekend and pumped out two batches of cookies. The first was a soft macadamia and peanut butter cookie, based on this choc chip cookie recipe. The awesome thing about that choc chip cookie recipe is that it’s just a base, and you can add any mix-in you want! Mac & pb is the hubby’s favourite, so it’s also a good thing I baked another set of cookies because he legit ate ALL the mac & pb cookies in 24 hours, seriously.

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best banana cake recipe

Sam told me he wanted to make a banana cake today. I umm’d and ahh’d about whether we should make the healthy version or the other version. Pause. Ok who am I kidding? I did not umm and ahh, I didn’t even flinch as I got out an entire 250 gram block of butter and willed it to soften so I could make my mum’s most awesome banana cake recipe ever.

WARNING (or, it is a PSA?): This recipe contains condensed milk.

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unicorn bark

What the actual F is unicorn bark? If you’re thinking it’s the sound unicorn makes, you’re on the wrong track. Because when unicorns open their mouths, they don’t bark, they spew forth a flurry of rainbow coloured sprinkles accompanied by angels playing harps. So anyway, what is unicorn bark? I too have asked myself this question many a times, and especially so when I was asked if I could make said unicorn bark for a special little person’s first birthday.

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