walnut fudge brownies

There are a number of signs that point to getting old(er). Grey hairs, aching joints, wrinkles. Except I don’t have wrinkles because #asiangenes! Greys, definitely. But that’s another story.

A change I didn’t expect is my sudden urge to be friendly. Usually as you get older you become less friendly, or rather, you tolerate less bullshit so basically you cut out the bullshitters ie most of your “friends” during your 20s. And it’s not like I want to be friendly with just anyone, but for the first time in my life, I actually want to be friends with all of my neighbours.

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After slogging away in the corporate world for over 15 years (yes, I’m that old), life handed me an opportunity recently and without so much of a glance backwards (because bye late night conference calls!) I’m heading for a change of pace, a slower gear, more time to eat and stuff be a mum.

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Every once in a while, everybody needs to take an emotional day. To de-stress, to unwind, to rebalance a life that is far too skewed towards work work work and not nearly towards me. Which is why I started my day today with a 90 minute massage, and now, at 5pm I am Way Too Sleepy to work. Yes, some genius idea. So anyway, I’ll blog instead to stay awake.

(note: 5pm might be home time for most of you but this is basically 9am in my day so like, I’m screwed.)

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I never expected to have to deal with a cancer “scare”. I mean, that’s not something that happens to me right? Right? Apparently, I’m wrong. It’s not that I’m not realistic about my health. I’m a little sun baby and responsibly, I get my spots checked every year but of course, it all comes back clean every time. I sunscreen it up and I do my routine “girly” check-ups. I thought I had it all covered.

So who would have expected that a mere month ago, my mum would notice a lump on my neck that would lead to us having to discuss the “C” word?

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Yesterday morning was one of the most difficult mornings I’ve ever had to deal with. I mean, I thought that last year’s post-Santorini holiday blues were bad. The endless blue skies and warm weather… but now, add to the endless blue skies and warm weather the most adorable, cuddly, chubby baby ever and you’ll see why I found it so hard to drag myself away and back to the 9-to-5 humdrum of life.

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