
Update 5 Aug: And look who arrived on 2 August? Little Miss Sofia. Both my kids just couldn’t wait to get out of me!

I’m 37 weeks pregnant today. 37 weeks “gestation”, a term that I’m still not used to. I’m sitting in my obstetrician’s office as I type this, a weekly occurrence now between 36 weeks and when-life-goes-cray-cray.

37 weeks may not be all that interesting to anyone else, but it’s significant to me. Because Sam decided to come right on 37 weeks on the dot.

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milo lactation cookies

“Welcome to the world, beautiful baby boy”, reads the card. What it omits to say is “welcome to the world, a world full of unsolicited advice, beautiful baby boy”. Much like the urban myth that stress induces labour, this too holds true. The undeniable fact that having a baby opens the flood gates for one and all to tell you how to look after your baby and how to look after yourself (because clearly you’ve failed for the past three decades to do the latter).

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Didn’t I say I was going to run out of time? It was as though the universe was trying to tell me something, but here I was, thinking I had weeks up my sleeve, to relax in my roundness as much as I could and watch endless hours of guilt-free day time TV (because not so secretly, I actually love Dr Phil) before a little person came into my life.

Well, needless to say, the relaxation didn’t happen, nor did Dr Phil. On 9 October at 3:12pm AEST, a little man decided that cramped quarters were no longer his style and pushed his way into the world, a full three weeks early.

Say hi to baby Samuel.

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It’s kind of hard to believe that for a while there, I went off matcha. I remember I’d just bought a box of matcha, adzuki and mochi ice cream and was so excited to get into them and then WHAM. Puke city. It feels like a lifetime ago that I was retching at my favourite things, that brushing my teeth made me sick, that (on a positive note) walking was something that I could just do.

And then time flew, as it so often does.

And then it ran out, as it also often does.

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It’s no secret that I’m a fan of all things easy. Call it ingenuity, call it entrepreneurial, call it lazy. But when I find a quick way of doing something awesome, I think that’s pretty much gold, right? Here I thought this other protein ball recipe was easy. It still involved blending stuff up, but hey, it wasn’t too hard! But looky here, my pretties. Here’s another equally delicious  and healthy protein ball recipe.. with. no. blending. whatsoever.

Just die, and go to heaven already.

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I’ve been AWOL from my blog for six full weeks. Why the hiatus? Well, on 27 December, Panu and I got married. On 2 February, we celebrated with friends. About three days after that, we made a baby.

Ok, so we didn’t make a baby yet per se, it’s still gestating (urgh, I hate that word) but that was pretty much the beginning of the undoing of Catty the Food Blogger, and the introduction of Catty who basically doesn’t want to eat food, cannot stand smelling food and oh, even photos of food? Yes, even they make her want to throw up.

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