I’m about two weeks late on this post, but given this is the new ‘normal’ for the next 13 years, I’m relatively punctual actually 🙂 Two weeks ago, Sam started school. In NSW it’s kindergarten, but I think in other Australian states it’s known as prep. Basically, it’s the year before Year 1.

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I’ve been giving Sam more treats lately. Not every day and certainly not every meal, but you know, I’m like he’s three, almost three-and-a-half. He can have a damn cookie. So he gets treats like Tiny Teddies, Hello Panda and the occasional Ferrero Rocher (only when he’s been very very good mainly because that’s my treat).

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Happy Valentine’s Day! It was only a matter of time before I fell down the Yumbox bento rabbit hole. The cuteness level of some of these bentos? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t get sucked in sooner (but obviously I have now). Most mums get bentos for their kids to encourage them to eat a wider variety of food. You can serve smaller portions in more interesting ways and we all know that interesting looking food tastes better right?

But my kids are good eaters (wonder where they get that from?) so I didn’t need a bento to encourage them to eat. For me, it was for a completely different reason: WORLD PEACE.

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Yesterday Sam turned three years old. I’ve been thinking all week about writing this post. Usually I have lots to say when my kids turn a year older, because something significant has happened, or they’ve just turned into the devil’s spawn. Or something. But I have nothing, and I don’t think it’s because Sam in un-interesting. He’s just been same ol’ same ol’. So like, I have nothing new to bitch about.

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A couple of weeks ago, this critter turned 2.5. What a ride it’s been – highs, lows, low lows, medium highs, super lows. I’ve had enough experience now to confidently say that every low does pass, and what comes after is usually a spectacularly bright silver lining.

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