Sofi 6 months

Guess who’s nine months old today? ARGHHHHHH. Impossible! I was meant to start back at work today. I’d only intended to take nine months off but I’ve extended it one more month because you guys… look at her face! How can I not want to spend every day (albeit unpaid, I’m broke, I eat plain Cruskits for lunch kind of days) of my life with her? I posted on Instagram a little while ago about how much I’m enjoying my days with her. Well, let me just soak her up for another month before real life (yuck, real life) begins again.

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Sofi 6mo (4)

No it hasn’t been six months. It can’t have been six months yet! Can it? REALLY?!

God, time is flying.

My peanut is no longer a peanut, she’s six months old today and turning into her own little person. She has a personality, she has likes and dislikes, she communicates (in her own way). She’s really turning out to be a mini me – happy, energetic, outgoing and stubborn as shit.

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Sofi 3 months

My peanut is three months old today! Can you believe it? I don’t believe it and I’m also completely amazed that I’ve now squeezed in not one but two blog posts in three months. Remember with Sam? When I could hardly muster the energy to write a post after six whole months? Yeah, that. Things are just so different with Sofi, and I’m glad that the universe noticed that I had such a very very difficult baby the first time round and blessed me with a lovely, peaceful little one this time.

Thank you, universe.

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My little peanut is one month old today. I can hardly believe it’s already been a month since life actually imitated art the movies and my waters broke while we were out at dinner. For all of you playing out there, basically, this is not the cool thing to do. It’s messy, it’s uncomfortable and it’s really really distracting when you’re still trying to make sure your toddler eats all his dinner before you go have a baby.

But yes, one month ago plus 13 hours or so in labour, my gorgeous baby girl, Sofia, joined us in this world.

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Update 5 Aug: And look who arrived on 2 August? Little Miss Sofia. Both my kids just couldn’t wait to get out of me!

I’m 37 weeks pregnant today. 37 weeks “gestation”, a term that I’m still not used to. I’m sitting in my obstetrician’s office as I type this, a weekly occurrence now between 36 weeks and when-life-goes-cray-cray.

37 weeks may not be all that interesting to anyone else, but it’s significant to me. Because Sam decided to come right on 37 weeks on the dot.

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