So last year I went along to this event called the Food Blogger Connect. I had no idea what to expect really, except that it was held at a groovy Lebanese restaurant, but wow, what an event!

Food, food, bloggers, food, cameras, food! I mean really, is there anything else to life?! I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I’m really looking forward to this year’s event.

See you there!

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* caveat: there is no recipe for meatballs in this post. I uh, bought mine from Tesco. There is a recipe for beetroot salad though!

So. In case you don’t follow me on twitter, you might have missed the case of my Recent Obsessive Compulsive Infatuation with meatballs last week. I woke up Tuesday thinking about meatballs, and I then ate meatballs every. single. day. for a week.

I have serious emotional food issues I tell you.

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