So I have this job where I work on my own. It’s kind of hard to explain so I’m just going to glaze over that but anyway, every day I plug away on my filthy excuse of a laptop keyboard, poking away at the keys to form words which eventually become some important document that I have to write for work.

But occasionally, I poke and prod at the keyboard to create a tweet, and this thing, this tweet, keeps me in touch with the “real world” (such a very arguable point) and keeps me from going certified insane.

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If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may have just been slapped in the face with a sense of déjà vu. This recipe and this photo, they both look familiar, oui? Oui. Because guess what, I’ve finally run out of ideas for things to blog about.



You ain’t that lucky buddy. True, this is an old recipe but I have my reason for re-posting and my reason comes in the form of my gorgeous pseudo-sister, Jade.

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Ok. I’m sorry, I know I’ve blogged like every single day this week but I can’t help that I love y’all so much and really, blogging is the only therapy I get from having to manage the abundance of crazy thoughts that are happily swizzling through my brain.

Actually, I just want someone to talk to and considering at work I sit between a window and an empty desk, well, you my friends who live in my laptop, tagged – you’re it. I’m talking to you.

And honey, we’re talking Bon Jovi.

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