I’d heard a lot of good things about Uncle Lim’s chicken rice. Sold only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, people have trekked from far and wide for it. It was only a matter of time before I hauled my lazy ass down to East Croydon for a taste. What did I think? Pretty authentic, the Read More →

There’s an awesome new Japanese restaurant on Charlotte Street. Wait, what? This news is so gargantuan I need to break it down. There’s an awesome new Japanese restaurant. Considering that if I had to pick one cuisine to take with me to a deserted island, I’d pick Japanese (the good and bad and sashimi and Read More →

I’m not going to write an epic report on this one because believe when I say many before me already have. I was slow. I was lazy. But last Saturday, I eventually got my hands on the Meatwagon cheese burger (recommended as the first burger I shalt try) and mother of all big flat meatballs, it Read More →

Today is our four year anniversary. For you long-timers out there I know this is like nothing, but for me, it’s a dead set record. We’ve had some amazing times over the past four years and I was trawling through old photos trying to find one good one to share. It’s kind of difficult when Read More →

I’ve never blogged twice in one day, ever. But I had the Hawksmoor kimchi burger (kimchi? In a burger? Who does that? Well, they do) for lunch and it would be a crime not to share it with you. You read that right, kimchi. In a burger. Oh and those there are beef dripping chips. You Read More →

It was Thanksgiving in America yesterday. Being not an American person, I have pretty much zero knowledge about the history of Thanksgiving, but I love the idea that no matter how it started, it has evolved into a day of family, food and well, giving thanks. Though I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving (I wouldn’t say no Read More →

So London had it’s coldest November day in over 30 years yesterday. We braved frostbite in our little feet and headed out anyway because over east at the Sunday Upmarket, there was promise of delicious flame-grilled chicken satay, the only way to have good traditional satay. My friend Van and her cousins set up their Read More →