It’s actually kind of completely insane that here in Johannesburg, you can pay the equivalent of about £10 and go cuddle a lion cub. I mean, in London I have to pay £10 just to scratch my butt! And I’m not even joking, because that’s what I’d have to pay if I so much as wanted to scratch my butt inside the “congestion zone”. Pfft. Kind of makes me want to move to J’burg, except that they also have broken traffic lights “robots” at every other intersection and that makes me not want to move to J’burg.

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I should probably warn you guys that this post is going to feature a whole bunch of meat, but you can’t eat any of it. In fact, try and they might eat you, or at least that’s what I was told. With that knowledge tucked away in my little brain, I remained incredibly well behaved, kept my arms inside the truck and trundled my way through an African private game reserve and survived, lions, cheetahs and all.

How did all this come about? Well you know how there are those days when work is so bad you want to cry? There are those, and then there are days when your boss tells you she’s taking the team away for three days on a safari trip and you’re like holy shit, this job really isn’t so bad after all! I had one such day a few weeks ago (actually, I think I had one of each) and finally on Tuesday, we were shuttled off to Welgevonden Private Game Reserve for three days of relaxation and boozing bonding.

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