home made gnocchi

One of my bestest buddies in Sydney is this Argentinian guy, Mariano, whose mama reputedly makes they most kick-ass home made gnocchi in the world. Sadly, I’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing her gnocchi because his mama, she herself does not live in Sydney, so the wondrousness of her gnocchi will always remain an urban legend in my world.

But lucky for me, I recently learned that Mariano’s mama is not the only mama who makes delicious home made gnocchi. I successfully recruited another friend, David, whose mama also makes these little parcels of joy and yes, if you’re wondering, I do shortlist my friends based on their mamas gnocchi making capabilities.

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Hey happy people. So it’s no secret that I am madly in love with Lantana Cafe. I mean, if I had a perfect 24 hours of eating, my day would start at Lantana, and Lord knows if they were open late into the evening, it would most likely end there.

And then there are those baked eggs. Don’t even get me started.

So when I got the opportunity to chat with Lantana genius, Shelagh Ryan, I hurled myself at the opportunity and so thecattyLIVE was born.

Stay tuned for other awesomeness videos I have up lined up with bloggers, restauranteurs and foodies from all walks of life!

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mini blackberry muff-cakes

I’ve never been good at naming things. Even as a child, all of my stuffed toys were very unimaginatively named. There was Suzie, Casey, Mampi (ok this one sounds original, but she came with that name, so I take no credit), Teddy, Cuddly… you get the picture. In fact, so tedious were the names I was giving my posse that my best buddy from primary school (who’s coming to visit me in London next year ~ yay!) once asked, “hey, why do all their names end with ‘eee’?”

Good question.

I don’t know, my brain can’t seem to grasp anything else.

So one day, she bought me a bear – he was a really cool scruffy kinda guy. And she named him Fergus. Wow, that threw my naming convention a real doozy. 

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Don’t ever leave me bored at home because dear god, look what happens.

I went and recorded a video of me. Me. Talking crap.

All hail Windows Movie Maker! Really, a tool with that amount of power should not be unleashed on people like me. Seriously.

But… too late.

Oh hi everyone 🙂 I really do sound like a flaky-wimp-loser-bimbo and ever so slightly confused, don’t you think?

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