Considering we live in Sydney, with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, we hit the beach waaaaaay less often than I’d like. Well. To be clear, before kids I used to get to the beach at least once every weekend throughout summer. Because back then what did I need? A towel? And these days we need: swim wear, swim nappies, hats, sunscreen, snacks, beach tent – and this is all before we get into the real necessities of a beach day – the scooper, the shovel, the rake, the smaller scooper too, the dump truck, the excavator, the bucket, the other bucket. And God forbid I should forget the watering can.

Going to the beach is now kind of a big production and doesn’t happen nearly as often as I’d like. So if we only get to the beach once this summer, it was the least Sofi and I could do to look ridiculously cute in our matching swimwear.

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I don’t know if it’s just me, but as a mum, I feel like I’m always waiting for things to get ‘easy’. I tell myself “it’ll be easier once he starts crawling”, “it’ll be easier once he turns one”, “it’ll be easier once she’s down to one nap”, “it’ll be easier when she’s on solids”… the list goes on. But here’s the catch: it doesn’t ever get easier. ‘Easy’ is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You think you’re getting there and it’s just fucking. out. of. reach. Gaaaaahhhhhh.

So it’s one of my new year’s resolutions to enjoy the ‘easy’ now.

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relaxed me

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in saying that my life as a mother to young creatures feels like a never ending cycle of packing snacks, making lunches, cooking, cooking again, washing clothes, washing sheets, washing toys, washing butts, feeding, more feeding, cleaning hands, cleaning mouths, cleaning faces, cleaning entire bodies, playing, chasing, walking outside, walking in the house, walking to go get something for the millionth time today, building lego, destroying lego, building lego, bathing, scrubbing, drying them, drying myself, drying the entire bathroom. I crash at night realising I haven’t had a moment to even breathe and then I take half a breath before passing out, ready to do it all again tomorrow.

Not that I’m complaining. I love being a mum. Every once in a while though, I just need to get away from it all. I think we all do.

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Can you believe it’s only two sleeps until Christmas? And for those of you panicking at home because you haven’t finished Christmas shopping, you still need to get food, heck you still need to decide what to even make for Christmas feasting – spare a thought for me. Scandinavians celebrate on Christmas eve, so for me the big shebang is tomorrow. Tomorrow! PANIC!

Well, luckily, I’m on pavlova duty.

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watermelon spread

Every FriYAY, my friends and I (and our six little munchkins) get together and because we so desperately needed a mix up of our groundhog FriYAY routine, we threw a watermelon themed birthday party. Watermelon is super sweet right now and shops are going gaga for watermelon paraphernalia (guilty as charged: SeedKmart and Cotton On) because you guys, it’s summer tomorrow!

And you know you’re onto a winner when the prep is easy, the food is healthy, the kids love it, and who am I kidding, the most important thing of all, it all looks bloody awesome in photos 😀

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walnut fudge brownies

There are a number of signs that point to getting old(er). Grey hairs, aching joints, wrinkles. Except I don’t have wrinkles because #asiangenes! Greys, definitely. But that’s another story.

A change I didn’t expect is my sudden urge to be friendly. Usually as you get older you become less friendly, or rather, you tolerate less bullshit so basically you cut out the bullshitters ie most of your “friends” during your 20s. And it’s not like I want to be friendly with just anyone, but for the first time in my life, I actually want to be friends with all of my neighbours.

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