I can hardly believe that today, two years ago, this tiny little bundle came into my life. She was a teeny tiny little pink ball, trying so very hard to open her eyes to see the world she’d been thrusted into. To this day, every night (and probably forever) I still tell her she’s my angel, my baby bunny, my beautiful girl.

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Thursday is my favourite day of the week. Every day has its own merits – Mondays to Wednesdays I have no kids, sometimes I’m working, often I catch up with friends and eat ice cream. So by all means, they’re good days. Fridays I have both kids (read: hectic) but we also have our regular FriYAY playdate so that’s fun. Saturdays and Sundays need no explanation. But Thursdays are my favourite, and they’re the ones I spend with Sofi.

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Happy Valentine’s Day! It was only a matter of time before I fell down the Yumbox bento rabbit hole. The cuteness level of some of these bentos? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t get sucked in sooner (but obviously I have now). Most mums get bentos for their kids to encourage them to eat a wider variety of food. You can serve smaller portions in more interesting ways and we all know that interesting looking food tastes better right?

But my kids are good eaters (wonder where they get that from?) so I didn’t need a bento to encourage them to eat. For me, it was for a completely different reason: WORLD PEACE.

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My peanut turned 18 months last week. And this one, this special brand of tough nut, took two needles for her immunisation and didn’t even flinch. It was literally like nothing happened at all. She was sitting on my lap facing away from me when she was injected, and there was silence. I thought it was one of those silent cries – you know the ones, where there’s a pained face but no sound but you know the longer the silence the louder the scream will be when it finally makes its way out of their voice box. After a few seconds, I looked at her and she was just sitting there like, what? Then we waved goodbye to the nurses and went about our day.

Fricking hardcore, this girl.

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Considering we live in Sydney, with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, we hit the beach waaaaaay less often than I’d like. Well. To be clear, before kids I used to get to the beach at least once every weekend throughout summer. Because back then what did I need? A towel? And these days we need: swim wear, swim nappies, hats, sunscreen, snacks, beach tent – and this is all before we get into the real necessities of a beach day – the scooper, the shovel, the rake, the smaller scooper too, the dump truck, the excavator, the bucket, the other bucket. And God forbid I should forget the watering can.

Going to the beach is now kind of a big production and doesn’t happen nearly as often as I’d like. So if we only get to the beach once this summer, it was the least Sofi and I could do to look ridiculously cute in our matching swimwear.

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