Ok, people. How cold was it in Sydney today? I mean, I get that winter’s on the verge of falling through our doorstep but really? It’s April! I hadn’t planned on unpacking my michelin man coat for another month! Or am I just being a whinger? I suppose I did just spend the weekend in glorious tropical Townsville soaking up the 30+ heat, so anything sub 20 is unacceptable to me right now.

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I know this is a food blog and not a baby blog but seriously, have you ever seen anyone eat with so much passion? I, for one, have not.

Anyway, I’m flying home to Sydney tonight and bright and early Friday morning, we’re off to Townsville to see my brother, sis-in-law and most importantly, to celebrate the first birthday of my awesome niece who at not-quite-one is already eating everything. I mean everything. Like, she likes sushi.

I love her.

There are a number of misconceptions about me. For example, the misconception that I like to shop. I don’t. Or the misconception that I’m an extrovert (because, you know, I like to talk). I’m not. But the most common misconception of all is the very wrong expectation that I am a food snob.

I am so not a food snob it’s not even funny.

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