Often on a weekday evening, you’ll find me huddled at my desk at work at some ungodly o’clock, cursing to myself about the late hours that I have to work. Sometimes, I take it out on the twitterverse. It’s just this job I have, and without saying too much and being dooced, all I’ll say is… I sometimes work late nights.

But you see, there is a plus side to working late nights. The biggest plus being that I Get To Sleep In. On a weekday BOOYAH! I betcha y’all don’t all get to sleep in. Unless you do, in which case, the second plus is that instead of cramming and queuing with the rest of humanity to get a decent brunch on a weekend, I get to cruise down the road, sit where I want and enjoy a chillaxed brunch. All on a Wednesday morning.

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Queenslander: crispy smoky bacon, roasted tomatoes and chunky pineapple

For the past week, we’ve been staying with Panu’s mum out in the ‘burbs. Her house is fantastic and spacious, and she makes awesome pasta and stuff, but get this: her internet plan is not unlimited. What does that even mean, you ask? Well, I too didn’t understand the concept of limited internet until last night when we managed to “use up all of her internet”.

(helps if I can spell too, huh?)

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Panu got back on Friday. Single, double, triple, quadruple YAYS! We had one day to relax and stock up on cuddles (well, for me to stock up on cuddles) because bright and early on Saturday morning, we started the dreaded apartment hunting. Just for the record, I fricking hate apartment hunting. It’s the rushing between viewing appointments, the squishing into tiny apartments with dozens of other renters and then there’s the glaring at each other, because we all know that in this tough rental market, we are nothing but competitors.

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Friday night. What’s on your Friday night wish list, to make it a perfect end to your week? For me, Friday night wish lists have evolved beyond recognition over the last few years. I used to hang out for Friday night, to hit 5pm and start guzzling alcohol with my friends and live by our “eating is cheating rule”. I mean, eating is cheating? Seriously? I chose not to eat? God, I don’t recognise myself.

These days, all I want to do on Friday night is eat. In my pjs. I am old and boring like that.

But last Friday night was pretty awesome as far as Friday nights go. Check out this champion of checklists:

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There is a certain sense of satisfaction you can get from having a delicious lunch. It breaks up your day, fuels you on for the afternoon and somehow, life ain’t so bad once you’ve had a good lunch. But what beats “just having a good lunch” is having a good lunch on the cheap. And you know, I’m Chinese frugal so when I can save some pennies and enjoy my grub, that’s when I am at my most happiest 😀

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Friday night is a win all in itself, no matter where you are in the world, but I had three more wins on my Friday night. First win.  Dinner at Ichi-ban Boshi where they serve matcha cappuccinos hot or iced. Second win? Dinner with the stunning Maria who laughs at my dodgy Finnish pronunciations but hey, I blame Panu. And third win? She sent me home with some deriiiiicious mocha cake!

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