Indulgent, sloth-like weekends are the best.

I’ve been busy for as long as I can humanly remember and since September, every single one of my Saturdays had been booked out until mid-December, which is just all kinds of crazystupid. So when our friend cancelled dinner on us last Saturday night, Panu and I looked at each other and were like OMG DON’T TELL ANYONE! We’re staying in and WATCHING MOVIES!

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Warning: don’t let the corn fritters fool you. This blog post is not about food. Instead, you get a healthy portion of geekdom. Enjoy!

I don’t think I’ve been this geeked-out in a while. Yesterday I – by my own complete free will – went along to the MCM Expo, otherwise known as London’s Comic Convention, otherwise known as Where People Dress Up As Their Favourite Comic/Cartoon/Movie Characters.

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6pm is not too late for a nap is it? I asked that of the wise twitterati and it was with great glee that I was told, no, no 6pm is certainly not too late for a nap.

And lucky that because wow, did I need that nap. My weekend began with a fancy dinner and ended with an indulgent lunch, and in between? There was a lot of gluttony going on and like any good little piggy, I just needed to sleep it off.

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I can tell you now, Groupon is going to be the end of me. What’s Groupon you ask? Really? Where have you been?

Groupon is a new(ish) sales concept, probably made up by some crazy old dude sitting in his basement, swigging a bottle of ‘Beam and smoking some pack of yellowed cigarettes he stashed away for a rainy day, way back in 1962. Whoever he is, he is now a rich motherfucker, because the concept of Groupon has taken off… mainly due to suckers like myself.

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Here I sit, in London’s business district, flanked on one side by the monumental St Paul’s Cathedral and on the other by London’s star-bright West End. Some might say they envy where I am right now, I mean it’s even sunny in ol’ Londontown today, but all I wish for right this moment is to be back in Santorini. Even in London’s sunshine, it just doesn’t compare.

I mean, there are no donkeys in London!

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