mango sticky rice

On Wednesdays every week, I go along to a mothers group. It’s not a ‘community’ mothers group (which they harass you into joining when you give birth); it’s just six of us friends, who so happen to have had babies a couple of months apart. Yep, we totally planned it that way. Going to mothers group is a reprieve from the constant rocking, playing, shushing and repeat that we do at home all day every day. It’s a chance for us to get together and share in the joys (and woes) of motherhood and basically… eat a lot of sugar.

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kueh ketayap

Happy new year everyone! How did you guys welcome the new year? I… well, I hang my head in shame. I went to bed at 9.30pm with all the intention of waking up for the midnight fireworks. And hey guess what? It didn’t happen. Such is life with a three month old who still wakes a bunch of times every night.

BUT! I hope you all had a blast of a time, whatever you may have been up to.

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milo lactation cookies

“Welcome to the world, beautiful baby boy”, reads the card. What it omits to say is “welcome to the world, a world full of unsolicited advice, beautiful baby boy”. Much like the urban myth that stress induces labour, this too holds true. The undeniable fact that having a baby opens the flood gates for one and all to tell you how to look after your baby and how to look after yourself (because clearly you’ve failed for the past three decades to do the latter).

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