Sunday roast: slow roast pork belly with green pepper relish

So. Y’all know that I don’t often post very negative reviews on my blog, oh except for the profoundly bad service here, but hey, they’ve closed down anyway so ahem, karma.  It’s not that I’m not being objective, I just normally don’t post negative things because quite plain and simply, it isn’t as much fun.

I would much rather verbally regurgitate (excuse the pun) experiences that have made me happy so that I can share a bit of that joy with everyone, and conjure up tastes that brought me to near orgasmic bliss, so that I can re-live the exquisiteness all over again. Wouldn’t you?

But then this happened. And now this post will be forever known as The One Where Catty Opened A Can Of Whoop-Ass.

Simply put? Modern Pantry: FAIL.

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Lanesborough Hotel

Last Sunday was one of those days when I think to myself… honestly catty, why the fruck am I living in London?

I mean, the day started pretty well ~ I had a sleep in (which is undoubtedly the best way to start any day) and woke up at the ripe ol’ time of 1pm.  I stretched lazily… well, as much as I could in the cocoon I’d created with my duvet, and rolled over to reach for my phone.

Ah, the technology age ~ twitter and email, all before I open both eyes.

But as per my morning routine, I also checked the weather. Rain. Heavy rain. Urgh. Sunset? 3pm. What? I just woke up and then sun is setting in two hours? Like seriously?? 

Screw you London.

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Goodman Restaurant

Disclaimer: If you’re a vegetarian, look away now. Oh wait, crap, I already posted three photos of the meat we had at Goodman Restaurant above, but ok, if you’re vegetarian and you don’t want to know how much of your beloved cow we actually ate, look away now.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

We had 5 kilos. Five. Cinco. Fünf. Cinq. And for the yiddish amongst us, finf.

Really, if I had ball sacks I would totally be grabbing them now because if there was ever a time I felt like a man, it would be after ingesting five effin’ kilos of nuthin but cow.  Satisfying, liberating, and strangely, makes you want to grunt.

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canon IXUS 870 IS

I’d like to think that I’m an utterly loyal person. I really would. If I love you, I love you and as all of my close friends know, I’d go to the end of the earth for you. Be it that I might bitch and moan the whole way there, I’d still go there, and there is no disputing that.

And with my friends, there are no trade-ins. Yes, I meet new people, and yes I make new friends, and I am a true believer that your life is enriched by those around you, and to live in solitude is no way to live at all, well, unless you’re surrounded by an endless supply of KyoChon fried chicken and in that case, who needs friends?

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mini blackberry muff-cakes

I’ve never been good at naming things. Even as a child, all of my stuffed toys were very unimaginatively named. There was Suzie, Casey, Mampi (ok this one sounds original, but she came with that name, so I take no credit), Teddy, Cuddly… you get the picture. In fact, so tedious were the names I was giving my posse that my best buddy from primary school (who’s coming to visit me in London next year ~ yay!) once asked, “hey, why do all their names end with ‘eee’?”

Good question.

I don’t know, my brain can’t seem to grasp anything else.

So one day, she bought me a bear – he was a really cool scruffy kinda guy. And she named him Fergus. Wow, that threw my naming convention a real doozy. 

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