It’s that time of the year again when you’ve got to dig deep into the recesses of your mind (and pocket) and shell out for some Christmas presents. Don’t get me wrong, I actually love buying presents for people, even more so than for myself I promise, but what stresses me out the most is buying a present that your nearest and dearest will love.

Because isn’t that the whole idea of buying presents? Yes, yes it is.

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There’s an awesome new Japanese restaurant on Charlotte Street. Wait, what? This news is so gargantuan I need to break it down.

There’s an awesome new Japanese restaurant.

Considering that if I had to pick one cuisine to take with me to a deserted island, I’d pick Japanese (the good and bad and sashimi and curry and matcha of it all), this is good news.

On Charlotte Street.

On Charlotte Street? And the fact that Charlotte Street is but not even one whole minute from my apartment doubles my glee!

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Everyone said that we were crazy for going to Cornwall for just one weekend. At an average of 6 hours drive each way, we were told to stay longer, to enjoy the time blah blah. But little do they know that Panu and I, we love roadtrips. We can drive for hours on end and 6 hours through the picturesque countryside is nothing considering not so long ago we did 9 hours through the Mojave desert.

So without so much as a GPS (mainly because we’re cheap) but loaded with snacks including biltong, m&m’s and yoghurt covered edamame, we set out early on Saturday morning, our destination: The Scarlet Hotel, Cornwall.

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I often declare the fact that there is not much wisdom going on in my brain. I spend my days squeezing out every last ounce of brain juice for the purposes of this thing called work, and when home time rolls around, all I can compute is the conundrums of blonde vs blonder in The Hills, because trust me, my one remaining brain cell can still topple them all.

But if there is one piece of wisdom I can impart on you all, just one… What I want, no what I need to share with you is this: if there’s one meal you’re gonna blow you cash on this year, you’d better make it The Ledbury.

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