EAT superfoods salad

I’ve been feeling a little icky with myself lately. And when I say “lately” I mean like, the last I don’t know six months or so. I used to be one of those mad people who go to the gym and run like a hamster on the treadmill, happily plugging away to Sk8ter Boi (my all time favourite running song) and madly, insanely, enjoying it.

But six months ago, I hurt my knee and it grew to the size of a melon. For days. I’m not shitting you. And it wasn’t the first time either, because the first time I was young and stubborn enough to get back on the treadmill despite advice from physiotherapists. This time, granted I am like so much older, I thought I’d pay attention otherwise who knows, my hip might go next.

This is where you can call me insane, but guys, cardio workouts are addictive. I’ve tried to ignore the fact that I no longer get my hit on the treadmill. The incredible adrenalin high and sense of achievement after each and every run. I’ve tried boxing which I loved but was way too expensive, and I’ve tried to get into yoga, which in all honesty isn’t so bad but it’s. not. the. same. And I’ve really tried to convince myself that even without cardio, I’m not gonna get fat.

And I say this while I stuff my face with two dozen Beard Papa vanilla cream puffs.

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seared wagyu beef sushi with truffle salsa and ponzu jelly; wagyu beef tataki with ponzu sauce & porcini oil

I have been massively distracted lately. My one-track foodie brain has been occupied and while I am still able to ramble endlessly about  super awesome delicious cookie dough, I’m not really thinking about food. I’m thinking about one thing and one thing alone.

Eric Northman.

True Blood. Vampires. Eric goddamn-he’s-so-hot-can-I-bite-him-now Northman. Brooding. Emo. Nordic. Vampire. Need I say more?

This ridiculous pre-pubescent crush thang actually worries me a little, because the last time I was this obsessive about a fictional character, it was Edward Cullen, and he too is a vampire. This trend doesn’t bode well for me as a juicy little human person and while I’d just as easily say “oh Eric bite me now! Make me vampire!” I’m glad my instincts are stronger than my focus and if, if, Eric were to bite me (usually in the throes of passion too, which I’m guessing makes it that much harder to say no… oh my mum reads this blog ~ Hi mum!) I’m sure I would snap right out of under his spell and realise that OMG. Vampires. They don’t eat food. FOOD.


And just like that, my fling with Eric would be totally over. And my laser focus would be back on food, where it rightly resides.

Speaking of which…!

Damn near obsession material is Dinings Restaurant, especially their seared wagyu beef sushi with truffle salsa and ponzu jelly. This heavenly little piece of sushi don’t come cheap, but amidst the throes of sushi passion, we ordered it again. And again. And again. Four times, in fact.

And it’s not just the wagyu sushi, dining @ Dinings as a whole is… orgasmic.

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One night two weeks ago, as I lay in bed trying my very hardest not to claw my eyeballs out of their sockets, I was reminded of a terrifying night I spent alone all those years ago (wow, it’s almost been a decade).

It was my first experience of a migraine, where the agony in my head is magnified by the stray light that somehow penetrates the pitch blackness that I’m lying in ~ in a dark room, under the blanket with my eyes closed and somehow, somehow, this light fires off microscopic missiles at my eyeballs, sending me into a writhing ball of pain, willing death to come much faster than it apparently wants to.

Last time, the migraine preceeded the crowning and extraction of my wisdom tooth, but we will not go into detail about the amount of pain that involves. This is a G-rated blog afterall.

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chicken, mushroom & leek pie, and ugg boots!

I’m gonna come clean up front and admit that this is a completely blagged post. Blagged items, if you don’t know, are things that we bloggers are sent from PR folk to eat and cook and test, and provide our supposedly much sought after opinion. My opinion in particular has the influence of a peanut, so I don’t know why they send me stuff, but hey, this week I got ugg boots (!!!) so I am not complaining.

In light of the fact that dusting off my old ugg boots indicate the onset of winter, new ugg boots indicate that it’s winter now! NOW! Wear them NOW! and like seriously, the power of the mind, I have convinced myself (and everyone else) it’s winter. So much so that Abel & Cole also think it’s winter, and have sent me a delicious chicken, mushroom and leek pie to warm my little belly.

Hi. My name is catty and I’m a blagger.

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grand canyon 01

The Grand Canyon. Ze Grande Canyone. You know what, if Starbucks had its way, this would be called the Venti Canyon, because yes it’s the absolute equivalent of a two litre coffee. It’s so mammoth that you don’t really believe someone’s actually drinking that, are they insane? Do they realise the number of hairs they’ll pull out from fidgeting and the carpet which will be worn thin by the constant pacing?! Clearly not. And unless you can handle your shit, don’t order it because those who can’t *coughguywhositsrightnearmecough*, coffee buzzes are so not cool to the people around you.

But anyway, vented (ah, hah, vented the venti, I am so not funny).

Now, the Grand Canyon. Without doubt the absolute highlight of my little American sojourn, and my only regret is that we weren’t able to spend more time down in the gaping big hole, contemplating life and our seriously insignifcant contribution towards this magnificent world of ours.

Law enforced by the Native Americans mandate that we (terrible folk  who are destroying the natural beauty one gravel at a time) can only touch down for 30 minutes, and so we touch, we click-click-click away and we’re off. It’s that fast, but wait! This being the tour that I joined, we also had lunch inside the Grand Canyon. I mean, what’s life without food, right? High five!

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