On Saturday, my friends Brendon and Christine hosted a most fabulous BBQ down in the ghetto. Well, the term “ghetto” is used relatively here. Basically, they pretty much live across the street from the Ministry of Sound nightclub and back in my hey day (because yes I am old), that minuscule proximity to MOS would have totally rocked my world. But these days? I’d much rather live across the street from a farmers market. Or a Byron. Or something equally tasty.

So nightclub scene = ghetto. Me = boring, I know I suck, but deal with it.

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organic porridge with brown sugar, banana & honey

When Panu’s out of town, I get up to a whole bunch of no good. Like, I bake a batch of brownies and eat half of them myself. I watch The Hills on repeat, UP LOUD, and just to be really naughty, I even sleep on his side of the bed! I know, daring. Well, on Sunday, while Panu was happily sailing around a lake in Jyväskylä (that’s in Finland, for those of you as geographically stunted as me), I rendezvoused with my other two gorgeous 6-foot-plus boys for brunch at The Pantry! Hah!

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When someone suggested we have a “sticks” themed pot luck lunch, it piqued my curiosity. Fun with sticks? Sticks? Really? Really. Not that I am opposed to sticks. Growing up in Australia, our BBQ was fired up on an almost weekly basis so meat on sticks featured heavily in my weekly food diary. Not that I actually kept a food diary. But we did have wings on sticks! Anyway, I wasn’t opposed to food on sticks, but I was desperately curious to find out how we’d make it fun.

But really, given the people who were to be my pot luck partners in crime, having an “un-fun” lunch was never on the cards.

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Sometimes we have to be grateful for the big things in life. Like winning a holiday. Sometimes we have to be grateful for the small things in life. Like being able to see, smell, touch, talk… just being. Sometimes, we have to be grateful for the things we often aren’t grateful for. Like our parents.

Other times, we have to be grateful for the value-adds that life throws at us. Like having a neighbour who bakes amazing things and shares them with me. These are Su-yin’s easter sugar cookies, beautifully decorated by hers-truly. So delicious! If she gets around to posting a recipe, I’ll link to it from here.

Be grateful. Happy Easter. Peas out.

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It’s Monday and I am officially back in London. “Officially” because “unofficially” I arrived about this time yesterday but was so exhausted and having been away two months (but mainly because my brain was mush from exhaustion), everything felt surreal and I didn’t feel as though I was really back.

But today is Monday, a work day. The week day routine is back. Reality bites.

And I miss my parents so ridiculously much 🙁

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