Christmas this year was awesome. Panu and I (and friends Mags and Kirk) travelled out to Harefield (about an hour away from London) to spend the weekend with Mel and Cam, and because they live on a farm (like for realz, with horses and stuff) and it’s no where near the heat of London, snow still covered the grounds and amplified by the fact that I got to spend my weekend with some of my favourite people, everything was utterly magical.

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It was Thanksgiving in America yesterday. Being not an American person, I have pretty much zero knowledge about the history of Thanksgiving, but I love the idea that no matter how it started, it has evolved into a day of family, food and well, giving thanks.

Though I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving (I wouldn’t say no to a big turkey though), I have many things to give thanks for, such as my awesome friends who cook me awesome food 😀

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By the time you hit the ripe young age of um, my age, I would hazard a guess that you will have managed to gather a hefty legion of friends along your life’s journey. Friends from school and university and work and friends of friends and um, even friends from the interwebs, although I wouldn’t tell anyone you actually make friends from the interwebs because I’m pretty sure that’s still very much frowned upon.

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Some people think the interwebz is stupid. Well, I think they’re stupid because I happen to think that the interwebz rulz not only because I can spend hours trawling through its depths, reading more about Speidi than I really care to know, but seriously, the ability to “be online” has improved my (social) life in more ways than I can remember. Having clocked on to the joys of iRC in my mid-teens, I’ve evolved along the social networking groove, from iRC to mIRC to msn to Friendster to Facebook to blogging and last but definitely not least, my beloved Twitter.

Apparently I zoned out for the year that MySpace was popular. Oops.

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